Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Grace And Beauty Of Coral Jewelry

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Coral has been popular for use in jewelry designs and other ornamental purposes for a long time now. This popularity can be largely attributed to the brilliant colors of the gem, and the somewhat unusal nature of its origin. Coral is found in relatively shallow and warm waters in the Mediterranean, and off the coasts of Japan and Taiwan. It must be harvested manually, and divers dive to great depths to retrieve this gem. On the surface, the coral specimens are sorted based on size, color and quality. Larger flawless specimens are rare and quite expensive. They are therefore used in high-end jewelry designs that fetch a high asking price on the open market. The remainder of the harvest is used for fashion jewelry applications. These pieces of coral are usually soft and must be stabilized with epoxy resin to harden them before they can be cut and polished and set in silver or other metals to complete the piece. On occasion, a dye is added to the epoxy in order to enhance the color of the specimen. Corals can be found in a wide range of colors. However, only red, pink, orange and black corals are typically used in fashion jewelry applications. Black coral is quite valuable and was harvested off the Mexican cost. In recent times, divers have been unable to find large quantities of black coral, leading environmentalists to raise the alarm about the destruction and possible extinction of some species of coral.

In order to understand these concerns, it is useful to first obtain a basic understanding on the formation of coral. Corals are formed from the skeletal remains of a sea polyp – a tiny creature that dwells in the seas and feeds on plankton. The remains are calcified and added to the coral reef with time. Over a period of decades, the coral reef can grow to a large size, and individual stems can be as large as 2 inches in diameter. However, coral is also very sensitive to the ambient conditions, and change in sea water chemistry, light penetration and temperature can have devastating impacts on coral reefs. Over harvesting of coral for jewelry and ornamental applications combined with the gradual changes in the environmental conditions have caused coral reefs around the world to shrink, and the virtual extinction of some species. Although some countries have promised to curb the harvesting and trade in some species of coral, the lure of financial wealth has meant that enforcement is lax. It remains to be seen if the beauty of this gem also leads to its downfall.

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Breathe New Life Into Your Old & Broken Jewelry

There are some typical problems regarding old jewelry which needs to be fixed. Take a look at some of the common problems in the form of bullet points and find their solution following it:

Every woman does possess some worn out jewelry pieces like rings, necklaces, bracelets or other things which are pushed to last corner of the drawer or jewelry boxes. These are treated as the second hand and are given no status as such which is due to the beautiful jewelry pieces. With some precious memories attached to it, it is hard to let them go out of your sight. In such a difficult scenario, what is the solution to bring them back to the forefront and use them the right way which makes you feel good? Here is the solution...

Cleaning seems easy but it should be done in the right manner taking into consideration some of small yet important points. Read the ingredients of the concerned cleaner carefully and check if it contains alcohol, acids, ammonia etc. which can strip the gold or silver plate. When actually performing the task, you must use the bristle tooth brush to give it a soft touch. Do not possess a light attitude towards these things. For instance, do not immerse the jewelry; it might lead to unglued stones.

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• Are you looking out for missing stones in your jewelry?

Damaged jewelry from the use of harsh chemicals now has solutions. There are various solutions available online including the use of heat or electricity. Others include pen plating, immersion plating etc. In addition to that, I would advise you to buy cyanide free plating solutions as these elements are poisonous. Especially for silver products, you can use Silver Brite. The latter is capable of cleaning, polishing and re-plating. Now getting the glimmering silver finish is no difficult task.

In addition to that, if you want to add some more life in your old jewelry pieces, you can perform the activity of mix and match according to your own creativity. A centuries old pendant can be given new life if rightly matched with the contemporary chain. Do not feel bad or hesitated about the old pendant...these things are called "classics" in today's time and possess much higher value than others.

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• Is your jewelry stained or grubby?

Super glue is the solution to put stones back in their places. Single drop is more than enough if you are not looking for messy things on the edges of the precious jewelry pieces. The precious and semi precious stones like cubic zirconia, glass, crystal, ruby etc are easily found if you make a comprehensive internet search. Jewelers in the contemporary times do possess wholesale fashion accessories to cater to the services of their customers in a better way.

The lightly tarnished fashion jewelry should be kept in its right place by soft cloth and for the heavily tarnished ones, there should be polishing.

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• Fading gold or silver plating?

Shopping 101 What to Look For in a Jewelry Box

Earrings have their own host of challenges, which can be resolved with earring trees or jewelry box accessories that keep pairs of earrings separate and simple to find.

Jewelry pieces are stored in different ways. Rings are easily displayed in a ring holder where you can see all of your favorites in a single glance. Necklaces require hooks that allow all your strands to hang without tangling or scratching. Watches, bracelets and brooches work best in individualized compartments that will keep each valuable piece free of damage and easy to see.

You can also save by choosing a slightly smaller box that will still sufficiently house your collection without costing more than you can afford. For example, a free-standing armoire is quite a bit more expensive than a slightly smaller model that can fit on your dresser. You might also consider a travel case that costs less than a wooden style if you won't be keeping your jewelry box out in plain view.

Look for materials and design that will fit well with the rest of your home style to ensure your new accessory is an eye-pleasing addition rather than a décor clash.



Think about the size of your jewelry collection prior to shopping for your storage to ensure you get a box large enough for all of your items. Here's a hint: the more small items you own, the larger the box you will need to allow for sufficient compartments for each individual piece.


Are you in the market for a new jewelry box? Perhaps you are in search of the perfect box for that special someone. Whether you are looking for a jewelry box to give as a gift or one to set on your own bedroom dresser and hold your valuables, we have the information you need to help you select the best box for your needs. Consider these six tips to help you find the perfect jewelry box for you.

A collection of inexpensive costume jewelry will have very different security needs than your best diamonds and pearls. If you need a jewelry box to house your everyday items, simply choose a box you like without regard for the security of the box itself.

If you are in the market for a jewelry armoire, you are probably looking at a wood box. However, armoires offer the choice of deep cherry wood, warm oak or modern teak.


Another popular option for jewelry boxes is leather, particularly when it comes to jewelry boxes for men. If you decide to opt for a leather box, educate yourself on how to care for your jewelry box so you can keep it looking beautiful for as long as possible.

Those with ample jewelry collections will probably begin their search with either a large tabletop model or a free-standing armoire. For individuals who need less space, a more ornate music or trinket box might suffice.

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The style of your jewelry box is really a matter of personal taste, but it is important to choose a box that will coordinate with the rest of your home décor if the box will be on display. This is particularly true if your jewelry box consists of a free-standing armoire that becomes an intricate piece of furnishing in your bedroom.

Jewelry boxes come in a host of materials, from warm wood tones to sleek leather. Decide the type of material you want for your jewelry box before shopping, so you can immediately narrow your selections accordingly.

For your fine jewelry and precious stones, look for a jewelry box that comes equipped with a high quality locking device. A lock and key is also handy if you have roommates that have been known to "borrow" your things without your knowledge, or nosy small children that might enjoy putting their chubby fingers into your shiny things.

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You don't want to base your jewelry box decision solely on price, particularly if you are in the market for a high quality box that will last for years to come. However, thanks to the plethora of options available, you can often shop around to find the best price for your needs.

Larger pieces require larger compartments, while smaller jewelry items need smaller areas of storage. As you analyze your jewelry collection, determine the type of organization you need and choose a jewelry box appropriately.

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The first consideration when shopping for a jewelry box is the size of the storage you need. Jewelry boxes come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, from tiny trinket boxes to full-sized jewelry armoires.


Choosing the right jewelry box isn't easy with so many great selections, but it is far from impossible. By keeping these six important factors in mind, you can narrow the field quickly and search for the specific jewelry boxes that will fit your needs perfectly.

Finding Various Types of Rhinestone Jewelry

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For finding various types of Rhinestone jewelry you can take the help of various magazines available in the market. These magazines will give you ideas about the different types of trendy designs. From these magazines you can easily find out the price and the name of the stores where you can find such stones. You can also get to know about the different types of discounts that you might get from various stores. These magazines will give you idea about the dresses with which you can wear these jewelries.

There are various options available which you can use for finding various types of Rhinestone jewelry. You can easily search the Internet to get information about such jewelry. You can search various websites through which you can get idea about the different types of jewelry made from Rhinestones. You can get to see the designs and the colors of different types of these stones and you can easily check the prices associated with them. There are even options that you can get from these websites to purchase such jewelries. Sometimes you can even check the different offers that you can avail from these sites.

You can also get to know about the Rhinestone Jewelry from other sources. You can get to know about these jewelries from others who have used them. They will tell you about the latest designs that are available in the market and also about the prices of such designs. There are even companies whom you can contact to know about these jewelries. Most of these companies will tell you what type of stone is best for making jewelry. Most of them will tell you how to purchase these stones and how to check the quality of the stone.

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Try to spend more time to get educated about the different types of Rhinestone jewelry available in the market. Try to know how these jewelries are made. Find out how you can buy these jewelries from different stores and companies. Find out about the prices of these jewelries. Know how these jewelries are made and how the manufacturers design them. Know about the best quality of Rhinestones that are available in the market. Know about quality stones. If you have a good idea about the Rhinestone jewelry then you can easily choose the best type of jewelry available. Collect proper information about them and then pick a beautiful piece of jewelry for you or for gifting someone.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Rise of The Chinese Middle Class Driving Chinese A Shares Skyward

About two fifths of Chinese people will be in the middle classes in ten years time, according to Andy Xie, Chief Economist for Asia-Pacific at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and expert on Chinese A share companies. "China's State Information Center also anticipates a total of 200 million new middle class people in the next 5 years. China's imminent entry to the World Trade Organization and the hosting of the 2008 Olympics will be anchors for stability and reform this decade."

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Similarly, as the middle class expands, car sales in China are skyrocketing. There is now roughly one car for every 120 people. "Many large cities are banning motorcycles in urban areas, which further fuels [no pun intended] this trend." Along with purchasing automobiles, there is a surge in the purchase of luxury goods. "The Chinese often attach a premium to the real thing [as opposed to fake high dollar items] and will pay 30 to 40 percent more...than what is charged in New York. For example, brands such as Estee Lauder, Chanel and Dior "benefit as many Chinese women enter the middle class...they start to purchase 'affordable' luxuries, like skin creams and cosmetics."

Western retailers should take note of the new market opening due to increasing prosperity among the Chinese population. China may no longer be solely a supplier of goods; there are new opportunities for Western financial service providers and insurance companies as well. With that comes increased affordability for luxury goods production, automobile manufacturers, and cosmetics companies. All this adds up to an increased demand for Chinese products, a good omen for Chinese A Shares according to leading China investment research firms. In fact, according to one leading Chinese equity analyst, "For investors, the middle class signifies those Chinese with their own capital to invest - a phenomenon that is heating stock markets around the world." Investing in China stock and Chinese A Share companies could prove to be all the more profitable in the near future. Who are some of the big players? Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Home Depot are retailers who have recently expanded into China by investing in or establishing a joint venture with local retail chains. In addition, "hypermarkets", such as Carrefours, see much success in urban China. In Shanghai, for example, about 63 percent of the entire retail trade is done at modern hypermarkets. China's home improvement market is the fastest growing in the world - increasing at 12% a year. Housing stock has changed from entirely state-owned to nearly 70% privately owned today, encouraging this growth.

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As China is still predominantly cash based, there is not likely to be the mass credit crisis as seen in US markets. Cards in China are used solely for ATM or debit purposes. There is a smaller volume of outstanding loans than in other countries, leaving more disposable income to stimulate China's economy. A study by ACNielsen cites that, in terms of credit lines, "only two percent of Chinese cardholders frequently roll over their bills, as opposed to paying in full each month. Roll over creates large income streams for credit card issuers."

Another market affected by growth in the Chinese middle class is educational investments. There is much competition for slots in top schools and this leads to "pressure-spending" to buy a good education. Under the one-child policy, the aspirations of two parents and four grandparents are all pinned on one student. As household income and salaries increase, it is a likely assumption that more spending will go towards advanced education according to Zhang Zhengfeng, a leading China company research analyst and specialist in Chinese A Share companies.

Marc Jacobs - Designer Ranges Of Apparels And Accessories

Marc Jacobs is a luminary American designer and the creative director for the popular French company Louis Vuitton. As a renowned brand of clothes, perfumes and accessories, Marc Jacobs has dominated the fashion market with its unique designs and styles. With wonderful sun glass collections, Marc Jacobs presents various beautiful frame designs and shades of sun glasses. Printed and shaded fame colors are one of the unique features of these Marc Jacobs sun glasses. As a top-class fashion designer, Marc has always used his creative thoughts while designing each of his product lines. Hence, Marc Jacobs sunglass ranges are in fact the most stylish ones in the world.

If we take a look at the clothing lines of Marc Jacobs, he has introduced numerous designer wears and a wonderful collection of accessories for women. With numerous designer coats, jackets, evening gowns and jewelries, Marc Jacobs brand is considered as one elite brand of clothing. In addition to that, Marc Jacobs's handbags also come in beautiful elegant styles. One should spend considerable time to select out of these numerous designer handbags. Marc Jacobs's designer handbags look great whether worn with a formal suit or with a casual wear. A number of celebrities are seen using these handbags with a pair of jeans, t-shirt or shirt and even with a party gown.

Marc Jacobs also has a handful of styles in his shoe section. These designer shoes come in different styles for various seasons. Marc's designer sandals with heels always fascinate women of all age groups. Even the new chunky and tapered Cuban style heel on court shoes and boots really amazes the shoppers. Additionally, Marc's classic pair of wedges with a quirky shape is also one appreciable creation of Marc Jacob shoe varieties. One thing you will surely notice that Marc Jacobs's women shoes are always of feminine designs. A bow on the leather boots and colorful rain boots with distinctive high heel and shiny finish are the true example of that. Even the Jacobs's popular diffusion line "Marc by Marc Jacobs" also displays the same variety of styles and designs.

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You can learn more about Marc Jacobs by visiting his latest fashion sites online. There are a number of videos from his latest fashion shows that you can watch to check his new ranges of apparels, handbags, shoes and accessories. Even by visiting some branded stores you can check out the latest Marc Jacob collections and Marc Jacobs sale of all high end accessories for more affordable deals.

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Fashion Style Up Up and Away

"Those show-offs who abrasion dresses up to their cheers apperceive annihilation about fashion," effluvium Jo Hughes, the super-saleslady at Manhattan's Bergdorf Goodman who has fabricated a career out of allowance beautiful women break in style. Snaps West Coast Artist James Galanos: "All they've done is chop 5 inches off the hem and they alarm it new.DC HatsTo me it's a laugh." It is no beam to Norman Norell, 67, administrator of American designers. "Elegance is out," sighs the adept of elegance. "It's a fascinating, arresting time to be a designer."

"I don't affliction about my barter as continued as I charm myself," says Geoffrey Beene, 40, who has just advised the marriage clothes for Lynda Bird Johnson. Beene's bag now is arranged with blithely black black dresses, with striped T-shirt acme and absurd ostrich-feather skirts. Jacques Tiffeau, 40, showed the beeline skirts of all (eight inches aloft the knee) but ashen the attending by draping bosoms Grecian-style for black and by application abounding flowered silks for daytime. Oscar de La Renta, 34, best accepted for his black gowns, went all out for affair with a accumulation of dresses in white organza and applique petals, including one long-sleeved abbreviate culotte that is to be beat with rhinestone-embroidered tights.

Gauging how top the bazaar will go is catchy business. "Last year," admits Bill Blass, 45, "I said the hell with the old customers, and I advised the a lot of acute accumulating of my career." Some of the old barter said the aforementioned to Blass. "I had to get off the adolescence kick," he explains. For next year, Blass is aback with the baby-doll look, apparent with lots of applique and annoyed bibs in a alternation of attractive high-necked dresses three inches aloft the knee.

In fact, the mini is alone the attribute of a extensive change in actualization that has agitated the old dictators of actualization and brought into ability a new accumulation of designers, acquainted in to the here-and-now tastes of adolescence bold, irreverent, geared high, abounding of jokes and independence. Actualization feeds on change, and what is In one moment is generally Out the next. The bender dresses of the 1920s, for instance, skimmed the top of the knee for alone two years (1926-27) afore hemlines began falling. Dior's New Look, which beatific skirts coast in the post-World War II years, began in 1947; three years later, hemlines were on the rise. But there are aswell added abiding upheavals based on fundamentally adapted outlooks and attitudes; the present revolution, which has been a continued time brewing, is one of them.

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What angers Hughes, amuses Galanos and frustrates Norell are the new youth-oriented, high-rise styles, accomplished in agitative colors and freewheeling fabrics, that accept angry the actualization apple chaotic in the '60s. The insurgence has appear abutting to creating a multi-skirt-length culture, and it is getting against as angrily as it is getting cheered. "I achievement that developed women will stop aggravating to attending like kids it's a adversity if they do and advance their own look," says Seventeen Actualization Director Rosemary McMurtry. Scolds Society Columnist Suzy Knickerbocker: "The next affair you apperceive they'll be yanking little ones out of the fifth grade, freaking them up in the name of fashion, and throwing them on the annual covers."

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Boutiques are proliferating beyond the U.S. and away as well. In Paris, Pierre Cardin, Yves St. Laurent and Andre Courreges accept all opened their own to backpack their new ready-to-wear designs. The Beatles are abetment one alleged Apple that will accessible anon in London. To get in on the act, big U.S. administration food are ambience up their own bazaar sections.

To accumulate old skirts up to the akin of what is latest in the boutiques, girls are arena an amaranthine bold of Penelope ripping out stitches, abridgement dresses that alone endure winter looked too alarmingly high. Wheaton Academy Senior Cess Cathcart put one dress through new era hats so abounding metamorphoses that she was larboard with "something I can abrasion as a belt if I anytime get desperate."

Like all revolutions, it began, as Coco Chanel acidly observes, "in the streets." Once, styles trickled down from a scattering of affluent and bourgeois women whose clothes were fabricated to adjustment by accepted French designers. Getting chichi was the objective, but consistently in a aristocratic and courtly way. Now adolescence is in command, and it is the academy and adolescent career girls who accomplish the mode. What Actress Julie Christie wears has added absolute appulse on actualization than all the clothes of the Ten Best-Dressed Women combined.

Youth in Command. The a lot of visual, assiduous and adventurous aspect of the new fashions is the miniskirt. In the three years aback it fabricated its aboriginal absolute actualization in small, offbeat boutiques and avant-garde discotheques, it has surged assimilate the campuses, into offices, out on the access anywhere at all that adolescence defiantly chooses to appearance its colors. By accepted agreement, a accurate mini rises to just mid-thigh. But with dresses growing beneath by the season, accomplished new categories accept had to be advanced. "Now," addendum one San Francisco designer, "there is the micromini, the micro-micro, the 'Oh, My God' and the 'Hello, Officer.' "

Endless Penelope. Fashions are appropriately switched on at the boutiques, area the prices are low, the taped bedrock music is loud, and the abecedarian salesgirls just can't abide breaking into a frug while cat-and-mouse on customers. Boutiques are now getting shopped by everybody, from teen-agers and secretaries to Jackie Kennedy. She best up bisected a dozen backcountry shirts for her contempo cruise to Angkor Wat at Manhattan's Paraphernalia. The a lot of acknowledged of them all, it has 34 branches beyond the country and a ablaze new artist alleged Betsey Johnson, 25, who alone three years ago was an alien peddling bootleg sweaters to her assembly at Mademoiselle. "I congenital my success on Dr. Speck's failure," says Paul Young, Paraphernalia's 38-year-old president. "He told parents that the kids had to accomplish it on their own, and appropriately the kids got alone and angry to their own associate group."

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The Fascination With The Ambre Louis Vuitton Handbag

The Louis Vuitton Company was once based neatly over a hundred years in the past in 1854 in France. The original company manufactured suitcases comprised of leather. Those luxury products were quickly in prime demand through the rich right through Europe.

The Louis Vuitton monogram used to be at the start created to make sure customers have been mindful that this used to be an unique Ambre Louis Vuitton purse or different product. This image has turn into probably the most identified product indicators, and consequently could also be one of the most copied designs in the world. The Louis Vuitton Company has been dealing with fraudulent merchandise for almost all the time it has been in business. One solution to assure that the Ambre Louis Vuitton handbag that would possibly be bought is an original is to simply purchase the goods thru licensed companies. Going on-line to purchase instantly from the Louis Vuitton Company can save you getting a replica.

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Throughout the type industry, there is most definitely no higher known name than Louis Vuitton. This widely recognized manufacturer of purses and quite a lot of different products has a reputation for outstanding design and craftsmanship. The Ambre Louis Vuitton purse assortment by itself is amongst the most counterfeited products on the market today. This on my own represents how well known and desired the gathering is.

The History Of Ambre Louis Vuitton Handbag And Other Products

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The Louis Vuitton Corporate has come far considering that its authentic creations of luggage in France. Not simplest do they still continue to provide high quality baggage, they have elevated their line to include jewellery, watches, shoes and different accessories. No longer simplest is there a line for women, however males too have their own Louis Vuitton products to select from. The Ambre Louis Vuitton purse assortment is no doubt one of the easiest produced product traces that can be purchased. Many patrons are serious about all the strains of goods offered during the company and have a large selection of high quality merchandise to select from. Always make certain that the goods purchased are original Louis Vuitton creations in order to be assured that the product will probably be synthetic with the perfect integrity.

With the popularity of the bags line, the Louis Vuitton Corporate quickly grew to become its attention to creating a line of purses for women. The Ambre Louis Vuitton handbag used to be soon born. The Ambre Louis Vuitton purse is as standard these days as it is whilst it was once first created. The Ambre Louis Vuitton handbag is made with top finish soft leather and monogrammed with the well-known seal of the Louis Vuitton Company.

Today, you can see louisvuitton stores here and there especially all over the world. If you're planning to choose lv bags as a gift for yourself or families, you can also purchase online, just please visit the online store for more discounts and save your money immediately! Good luck!

Louis Vuitton Replicas The Most Sought After Fashion Equipment

Countless online stores are selling Gucci replicas, which make it much more convenient now for you to do the purchasing. And In addition, the vast range of styles allow you to get almost the replica versions of any genuine item you can find in the ProShops of Gucci. But before you place your orders, you need to figure out what styles are the most suitable ones for you and for what purposes you are buying the item.

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Louis Vuitton replicas come to change this situation. Manufacturers try to maintain the authenticity by adopting top materials they can find and taking good care of every step. And the low prices allow you to buy more replicas to fill your warbrobe and match each of your outfits. So now buying Louis Vuitton replicas is a trendy way many women choose to show off the style and class without spending a lot of money. Just like the genuine items, these superb replicas are also able to stand you out from the crowd. And the most amazing thing is that no one is going to tell the difference between the replicas and originals. Compared with the sky-hugh prices of the aithentic stuff, the replica Louis Vuitton things provide you with an easy way to beauty and glamor, you can not be considered as a wise consumer if you don't include them into your wardrobe.

As one of the brands who establish the standards of fashion, every time Louis Vuitton catches our eye with unique and brand-new designs. And the stuff with the logo "LV" on become the most sought after items for all fashionistas. They are priced exorbitantly. But gorgeousness, lots of women still love to purchase these items despite the huge costs involved. Unfortunately, however, not so many people can afford the Louis Vuitton handbags because for most people, a Louis Vuitton purse could cost their monthly salaries.