Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Handbags Designer Knock Off: The Ugly Truth

handbags designer is no longer a big deal. It is understandable that young women around the world want to emulate their favorite stars and enjoy clothes and high fashion accessories. However, many have chosen to purchase items such as designer handbags drop compared with an authentic Louis Vuitton or Chanel.

Most women do not want to wait to put in place for the real thing or buy a whim on a street corner - but is this acceptable? Sometimes the buyer of a sudden down was not aware that their new "designer" handbag was actually a fake - they thought they were lucky enough to find a bargain.

Do not feel embarrassed because it happens all the time. The counterfeiting industry has become very sophisticated reproduction designer handbags. Even the professionals agree that checkers is now more difficult to detect a forgery. In familiar environments, deliberately buying designer handbags fall has become unacceptable and I'll tell you what - after hearing the truth, I think you'll agree.

Counterfeit handbags are a surprisingly large business, which represents 20% of all counterfeit goods in circulation. It is illegal to sell counterfeit handbags and France it is illegal to buy them. I bet it probably never entered your mind that this illegal activity can not pay their taxes - a company entirely in cash, and still is for her? You and me! We pay taxes like all good citizens, while the counterfeiters line their pockets with our hard earned money. More shocking still, the fact that the counterfeit trade is associated with terrorism, drug trafficking and child labor, among others.

The author, Dana Thomas wrote destruction industry has on children in her book, Deluxe, How Luxury lost its luster. In this excerpt from his book ...

Sometimes cases are really awful. "I remember going into an assembly plant in Thailand a few years ago and seeing six or seven small children, all under ten years old, sitting on handbags false floor assembly letter, the investigator told me we were moving away from raid. "The owners had smashed the child's legs and feet tied to the thigh bone is not repaired. He did it because the kids said they wanted to go out and play."

Nothing good comes out of the purchase replica handbags. Instead, my blood, sweat and tears to make up for the ultimate designer handbag is more rewarding, and what some see as a good investment because of the high returns on the resale market.

Now you know some of the horrible truth behind the fake designer handbags, you'll wonder how you can spot a forgery, and to avoid it.

At the end of the day, there is much more satisfying to buy authentic designer bag that you worked hard and saved. Do not miss the guilt of buying a knock off designer handbag when you know that refer to this terrible trade, and do your best to find the right distribution channels for the next dream purchase!

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