Sunday, August 28, 2011

How to Tell replica handbags and designer handbags

Some women do not mind buying a louis vuitton wallet replica handbag, but only some women love designer handbags. For them, how to identify replica handbags designer handbag is essential.

Tell the designer preowned louis vuitton handbags, if it is real or a fake one of the most simple way is the price. It is very difficult to find a real Louis Vuitton handbag fifty dollars. You should pay at least three $ 100 or more, by the famous designer designer handbags. Some designers, such as designer handbags cost thousands. The only copy of the Gucci handbags, replica Prada handbags and other costs only $ 100.

Another good indicator is a real or fake handbag packaging. Often do not have these protective bags, tissue, or a box around them to buy fake bags. The real designer louis vuitton diaper bags are generally sold in gorgeous packaging. In addition, many designers will be set in a plastic cover, not to be removed, until the bag ready to wear a special bag. If your luggage is not so with the cover, it actually alert. These strategies will be difficult to do if the package is not for you, you have to see how much was spent, or if the way it packaged.

If you are trying to find copies of other people's handbags, there are other clues, we can look at. Check the package see what kind of label, is a good way to know that it is a scam. The real designer handbags are generally on the inside of the designer brand. Right is the mark that this was a label. Most brand-name bags are in Italy or France.

Another way to tell your designer handbag, if it is false, is to see how different bag. For example, if any of the words of the letter bag, seal, or digital is all slightly different, then you can bet it is a copy of the handbag. For example, if you are a coach bag, bear the signature of "comet" all over it looking for, you will know that it is not true, if the "C's" are aligned, or if the "comet" model to do does not match up there pockets or folded. You should not pay hundreds to your coach handbag, if the pattern is curved suture is wrong. This is not only a real coach bags, all designer handbags. If the stitching of the seams are sloppy, then you can bet, this bag is not a true craft.

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