Monday, September 5, 2011

How To Distinguish Replica Designer Handbags From Authentic Designer Lv Handbags

how to distinguish replica designer handbags from authentic designer LV handbags

LV is one of most hot mark that numerous affair try apt copy, Louis Vuitton handbags have won a quite agreeable prestige, so namely threre are many duplicate designer Louis Vuitton handbags above bargain ashore market, numerous business have begun to wholesale replica designer handbags , even some don't know whether they bought a authentic Louis Vuitton handbags or fake.
nevertheless there are some replica designer handbags are almost the same to ahthentic handbags, but there still are some differences, here i'd like to share my experiences about how to perceive fake designer Louis Vuitton handbags and authentic designer Louis Vuitton handbags

first, distinguish from smell, to be frankly, entire Louis Vuitton products have some peerless smell, if you have done some research about Louis Vuitton, you will be competent to distinguish them at he premier sight, those smell are equitable like that in Louis Vuitton Store, they smell like the same,although not always folk can distinguish replica Louis Vuitton by using this method, it absence some experiences and some learning
second decorative pattern
several years antecedent, something discriminate fake designer Louis Vuitton handbags by distinguishing surfake pattern, but nowadays, those method has been out of days, because, fake Louis Vuitton handbags have amended in this aspact, but if you are carefully ample , you will find their are a bit difference in their color, ahthentic Louis VUitton monogram 's pattern is favor coffee , but there are some impurities color,the color of fake designer handbags are totally coffee
the stitching is a very important hint, authentic Louis Vuitton handbags' stitching is supple and the bounce is very good, but fake designer Louis Vuitton handbags use that common stitching, so this stitching won't be thick Wicker grain
genuine Louis Vuitton handbags made at sheet, and the stries have abit thick, apparent stipes, but counterfeit LV handbags' stripes namely shadowy,its stripes structure can no be discerned clearly
5.number sign
there are a small leather inside Louis VUitton handbags, there are a sequence number on this leather surface, those digit are unique, but there won't be on fake designer handbags, although there are some mathematics, their rank won't be right, the leather stripes structure is nature, fake will not be nature
outside of Louis Vuitton handbags will be a little leather, there are " Louis Vuitton Parls Made in France" on the surface, authentic designer handbags' lettering is shallow and those words are legibly, but fake are not
here i merely have share how to distinguish Louis VUitton designer handbags and replica Louis Vuitton designer handbags, others ,for instances i will share next time

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